The Ultimate 7-Day
Money Mind Challenge
Set Yourself Up
For A Powerful, Prosperous
And Passionate Year
Get to the root of the matter…

The Ultimate 7-Day
Money Mind Challenge
Set Yourself Up For A
Powerful, Prosperous And Passionate Year
Get to the root of the matter…


Join this Glorious Community of dozens of successful people who’ve already reprogrammed their mind (subconscious) to achieve their dreams by listening to this
MIRACULOUS 25-minute audio.

The Ultimate 7-Day Money Mind Challenge



Have You Ever Wondered What Separates Multibillionaires From 99% Of The Population?

Well, let me tell you…

It’s nothing else than The Way They Think

They don’t just focus on making money…

They think DIFFERENTLY, their thoughts are DIFFERENT

Tell me how many times you were well aware of the consequences…

But you’re still doing the same thing…Struggling… (THIS IS NUTS!)

You’re missing out on the most practical solutions and proven techniques that come with our

7-Day Money Mind Challenge
To Shift And Elevate Your Money Mind To Set Yourself For A Powerful, Prosperous, And Passionate Year.

Money Mind Challenge

Stick around and I’ll tell you more about this challenge that can help you think differently by reprogramming your mind (subconscious mind)…

So, you can produce the results that you desire in your own life on your terms…

And that’s not all…

I’ve got some FREE Gifts for you too.

Dear Friend,

When was the last time you pulled your hair in frustration all because you feel you are not getting ahead in life?

Let me guess…

It hasn’t been a while… right?

It’s not YOUR fault.

And it’s not even your parent’s fault,

OR grandma, or grandpa, or the economy

or your EX-husband, or EX-wife, or your children….or your dog or cat….

It’s all about what is Stored In Your Mind – your subconscious mind.

Does This Sound Like You?


You have no idea what happens to your money at the end of each month
You have noticed Patterns in your lifestyle when it comes to money that are not healthy and you still keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results
⇒  You keep giving your time and money away to others, things, and places and never focus on yourself, and realize now that you MUST put yourself first
You have tried it all – attended workshops, read books, and have fallen down into endless YouTube rabbit holes just to end up going back and forth.

If you answered yes to any of the statements above…, you’re not alone in this WAR

AND, we have the answers, ready?

Let me tell you…

There are PROGRAMS stored in your mind (subconscious mind), a whole bunch of limiting ideas, limiting beliefs, limiting thoughts, limiting EVERYTHING…that you are not aware of…

Your subconscious mind is stored with LIMITS…LIMITS…LIMITS

And you need to REPROGRAM it to unleash your true power and source of your wealth…

So, you could become the person you were born to be.

I see, it sounds puzzling and different…

And I can feel you…

As I was in the Same Boat as you’re right now.

I was committed to success like the way you’re…

But still wasn’t getting ahead fast enough…

Until I discovered the fact that…

It was how I was THINKING

Yes, you guessed it right…


It was my mind (subconscious mind) with limiting beliefs, limiting thoughts, limiting actions, limiting words, limiting behaviors, limiting habits…

The way I thought about myself, the way I judged others, the way I thought about money, the things I did repeatedly and the list goes on and on…

These were holding me BACK.

So, I went on a journey to Transform My Thinking

And learned practices to reprogram my mind (subconscious mind)…

Oh, by the way…at that time I did not know what subconscious reprogramming was so if you have no idea…that’s ok…you will learn quickly!

I’ve invested tens of thousands of dollars in myself, learning from master thought leaders, master coaches, and masterminds…

And, then I met Marshall Sylver – the number #1 expert in subconscious reprogramming in the world…

I found his “Subconscious Reprogramming” technique very powerful…

I leveraged this technique and changed my fate and life forever.

Let me also remind you…

Reprogramming your subconscious mind is easy…

But here is the challenge…

No one wants to commit… to get the results they want – IN ORDER FOR THINGS TO CHANGE YOU MUST CHANGE – you must COMMIT to doing the work..99% of the population does not.

So, I am helping you by asking you to commit to only 7 days to explore and document the change…

That’s where I decided to put all of my research and experience in a CHALLENGE

So, anyone can effortlessly commit to the work and create change.

With this challenge, reprogramming your subconscious mind is as easy as pouring water into a glass, AND YOU MUST COMMIT.

Introducing The 7-Day Money Mind Challenge To Shift And Elevate Your Money Mind


This Challenge will help you reprogram your mind (subconscious mind) to set yourself up to experience life like the super rich and uber wealthy.

You’ll learn to take on the thoughts of multimillionaires and take on the thoughts of the person you want to become…

AND TAKE ACTION -starting with baby steps…

To bring the real results you want in your own life…

How It Works

3 Simple Steps

Step 1

Accept the challenge, commit and invest $29 now

Step 2

Choose a daily 35-minute time slot for the challenge

Step 3

Listen to the audio for 25 minutes, then write thoughts in journal for at least 10 minutes.


Repeat Step No 3 Each Day For the Next 7-Days.

Here’s a Glimpse of What You’ll Learn

Things you will learn

How to become more aware of your current thoughts and actions that aren’t getting you what you want in life

How to catch yourself in unconscious moments and shift your thoughts to be DIFFERENT – align with what you want to create

How to effortlessly start taking actions in the present moment that are congruent with your goals and dreams and what you were meant to engineer and bring forth into the world

What Do You Need?

Keep the following items with you

Your writing instrument and

Your Headphones to listen to the
25-minute audio




Step 01

Your writing instrument

Step 02

Your Journal

Step 03

Your Headphones to listen to the 25-minute audio

Step 04




Who is it for?

If you are committed to creating change, elevating your life, and you are ready to commit to set aside 35 minutes a day for 7 consecutive days. Then this 7-Day Challenge is for you. Say YES to Your YES.

The Ultimate 7-Day Money Mind Challenge



Now I Want You To Answer A Question…

Answer A Question

How much would you pay for such a unique challenge that can actually help you reprogram your subconscious mind for a better life?

My guess…

I can tell you this transformation can be valued at millions and can make you millions because in order for things to change you must change…One simple shift in awareness can cause you to take actions that can bring your millions…sometimes it can happen instantly…it’s WILD!

And I’m not going to charge you millions. You’ll easily pay $1,000 which is a fair enough investment…

People are charging $397 for similar challenges.

But I’m not going to charge you $397…

In fact, I’m not going to charge you $350, $325 or even $300…

The regular investment for this challenge is only $269…

But wait…

I want to give back and share the massive enlightenment I have received…
And I truly want you to benefit from this challenge…

Therefore, I’ve decided to give you a massive discount of 89%, so money will definitely not be an excuse.

Invest now, and get it for only $29.

But also let me confess something…

I can’t promise to keep this price for much longer…

So act fast and grab this opportunity before the price goes up again to $269.

Who is it for?

If you are committed to creating change, elevating your life, and you are ready to commit to set aside 35 minutes a day for 7 consecutive days. Then this 7-Day Challenge is for you. Say YES to Your YES.

The Ultimate 7-Day Money Mind Challenge




Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. Highly recommended. The goal is to listen to the recording at the same time for 7 consecutive days.
Yes. And, a reminder to execute the Challenge the same time for 7 consecutive days.
Yes, Gloria Charles, The Founder & CEO of The Financial Empowerment Institute, has many other coaching and consulting programs, both private and in a group setting. To share with her more about what you do and explore whether you qualify to work with her to help you continue to elevate and shift your thoughts and to set yourself up to have a more powerful, prosperous and passionate life.  Book A Call Here!

Changing Lives For Over 15 Years

Meet Gloria Charles

The Ultimate 7-Day Money Mind Challenge

About The Creator Of The
7-Day Money Mind Challenge

Gloria Charles

Gloria Charles is the Founder and CEO of The Financial Empowerment Institute and the Creator of My Money Mind (M³).

She is also the creator of The 7-Day Money Mind Challenge which content, created by Marshall Sylver, her mentor and friend has transformed the lives of tens of thousands all across the globe.

Today, Gloria’s work is designed to help women and cool men who are business owners and professionals transform their lives from the real source of their challenges-THE MIND.  Her organization is about creating change within and living your best life.  Join me in our glorious community.

We Have Been Featured In
Hundreds Of Websites

Here's What People Are Saying About
Gloria's 7-Day Money Mind Challenge

What Others Are Saying

Elaine Morales

This was a Priceless 7-Day Challenge. I saw the change in me and saw myself thinking differently – simply things like hiring a housekeeper to do those minimum wage activities so I can have more time to do the things that are in my zone of geniuses. My real estate business has picked up since I did this Challenge and I actually continued the challenge. Thank you, Gloria.

JoyGrace Harmony

The WHOLE UNIVERSE was created in only 7 days so I can do AMAZING things in the same time frame too. I played fallout and I’m a stronger wiser woman for having been part of this Challenge. The results I got from the 7-Day Challenge that Gloria created were beyond my imagination, and they led me on the path to becoming an RV lifestyle entrepreneur.

Tommy Coleman

The 7-Day Challenge was worth every penny because of the invaluable experience I gained. During this challenge, I made a call I had been putting off for months and closed the deal. I left feeling energized and inspired to act every day in a way I had never done before. I even began communicating better in my marriage. Later, my wife took the challenge.

Carol Jones

As a physician with my own practice, we are trained to focus solely on the patient and not on the business aspect. Taking this mind-blowing 7-Day Challenge helped me recognize the changes I needed to make in the way I thought about money which led me to make drastic changes in my business. My business is now more profitable than ever.

The Ultimate 7-Day Money Mind Challenge

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